Did you know?
The term “mandarin” orange gets its name from the vibrant orange robes worn by the Mandarins, esteemed officials of the ancient Court. This tradition has its roots in antiquity, lending a fascinating historical touch to this fruit!


The color won’t help determine if it’s ripe so go by feel and smell: it should be firm with a bright citrusy fragrance. Avoid mandarins with many soft spots.
Enjoy mandarins without the mess: cut off the ends, make a slit, and gently pull apart to reveal perfectly separated segments, keeping your fingers clean and hassle-free.
Store mandarins at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, for up to a week.
How to pick
The color won’t help determine if it’s ripe so go by feel and smell: it should be firm with a bright citrusy fragrance. Avoid mandarins with many soft spots.
How to cut
Enjoy mandarins without the mess: cut off the ends, make a slit, and gently pull apart to reveal perfectly separated segments, keeping your fingers clean and hassle-free.
How to store
Store mandarins at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, for up to a week.
Visit the groves
Visit the groves
Explore our Moroccan fields where our mandarins are cultivated by Packorange, a leading force in the industry. Celebrated worldwide for their exceptional sweetness, our “Nardocott” mandarins thrive under the abundant sunshine of the region.
Step into their fields and feel the love and care that makes our mandarins truly exceptional!